Dialogue monthly blog post are an invitation to start a dialogue about elemental home design. Post will provide a preview of the in depth content that will follow as an on line media experience exploring dwelling design for whole body experience spaces. As an on line source our content will continue to provide alternative design philosophy for the creation of a home for a joy based life. Flexing is a dynamic fluid approach to create a space unique to your family unit. Traditional space types become static so flex to meet the challenge of fluid family dynamic.
Flex is one fundamental activator by which the home plan can provide for the changing needs. Flex has the ability to cycle as needed to engage with the family life-cycle course. Core plan has flex spaces a multi-function based open plan space. MODs also have the ability to flex and become multilayered experience spaces. An event or a time frame flexing is a powerful tool for meeting needs of the family life cycle. Each MOD has an experience areas which communicate the layers of flex contained in the design of each unit. Flex spaces have potential to meet a long or short term need for the family. Flex spaces target the ability to change spur of the moment. A family member is participating in a play production. Stage and seating can be arranged quickly for a quick run through of lines.
A Source Plan unique to each site is created exploring the potential a village of space woven into the site. Source plan is a map or guide to the journey of flexing and maturing of the dwelling. The challenge is meet the needs of fluid family dynamic. Learn more about a source plan.
Examples of Flex options are communicated and experienced through an interaction of fluid media. Images offer a moment in the space with hints and cues as to the possible interaction between the family members. A burst video is a quick movie composition that is centered by an experience potential for the space in support of the design concept. A composite sheet is comprised of images, text, and traditional plans to illustrate details of the elements. The elements are building components infused with layers of support for enhancement of the space. This content is further supported by the interaction with the space through a virtual file that informs the viewer through user control interaction with in the space. View the burst video for the Flexing design concept.
The challenge to support the family dynamic needs fluid nature is the source for an alternative catalyst for designing spaces. Individual needs zones as a directive with a balanced approach to interaction between family members. Gathering space layered with personal space complimented by the ability to have visual and verbal interaction with others. Isolated personal spaces are layered within the MOD units. In the flex space gathering and interaction are celebrated and explored in a whole-body experience event driven design philosophy. Learn more about the Core plan and MOD concept
The Great Flex is layered with these personal while interactive spaces. Food preparation individual can have visual and verbal contact with a person reading in the sitting area. Family Dynamic Needs FDN are layers of experience potential. FDN is indicated with red text in the composite image above it can be a simple family functional need or a moment in the space living a joy based life. Elements of living are celebrated. Each component in the creation of the space is considered for the ability to create a whole body experience. Learn more about FDN
Elements with in the flex space are considered for the ability to flex and transform the space to the family’s current needs. Furniture is chosen for layers of flex. Mobile and ease of storing are the first consideration. Multi function is a plus for the selection process. Sustainable process of the materials used to create the products should also be of concern for any material considered for selection. Impact of transport to the site should also be a concern with local sources given first consideration. A gate leg table for the dining area allows for a quick enlarged table surface for a school project or for an impromptu dinner party.
Open plan and flex compliment each other to create a space that can support varied types of events. A space is freed from dedication to one particular event type. Boundaries are free to overlap and blur the thresholds. Interaction between the family members is an element of living is celebrated and explored. Dining table area is a great place for a child to complete home work while a parent prepares a meal and coaches the child through a tough assignment.
The Retreat Flex is a more intimate gathering space for a couple or parent child experiences. In conjunction with the Hub MOD this flex space transforms from nursery support for the early child age family to a home office or study when the child moves on to toddler with their own sleep space. A story telling before nap time as this Retreat Flex space is more suited for quite time and reflection away from the active Great Flex.
Retreat Flex open plan is charged with layers of potential experiences directed toward meeting the family needs as family unit matures. Mobile furniture and storage elements revitalize the space. Flex space layers can be used to recreate the space for the season change or by the introduction of a ISE Inteactive Skin Enhancement. Retreat Bay is one such unit that can be added as needs and budget are in balance. The image on the left is the entrance into this ISE units tree house like space. An escape pod space ready for the story time between a parent before the child’s nap time. Experience a burst movie about the Retreat Bay
Family dynamic needs change as the family matures at each stage of family life cycle. The core plan can be advanced in the layers of experience the space can provide with the addition of more MODs. MODs provide new experience option while advancing the core plan space. Side Porch MOD arrives to transform the covered open porch of the core plan into an all-season porch space extending the Great Flex with more layers of experience. A music room with a view of a garden a quick raise of the glass overhead door allows a music practice secession with garden fragranced breeze. Experience the Side Porch
MODs arrive and continue the flex / mature potential of the core plan spaces. The Core Plan roof flows out to create a shaded side porch space to extend the Great Flex . Side porch MOD installs under this core plan roof to mature the side porch to an all season porch space. Added layers of experience revitalize the Great Flex with a new threshold space to the garden beyond. See new MODs that are in early stages of design. A village of spaces becomes a legacy wealth home to be transitioned to the next generation.
Visual connection an interactive event within the Great Flex. Multi layered visual are enhanced by the filtered high natural light from the clerestory. Glass wall system shaded by the side porch roof are nature activated paintings of garden views beyond. Hearth placed within this glass wall system creates a light show and warmth of a fire within the gathering space. Experience the planetary movement as view of the rising and setting sun as well as the moon and stars are on full display. Food MOD adjacent to this space offers views of the art of making as the food event is prepared. A media screen can be lowered into view near the hearth to provide a family movie night with a view of the fire and snow shower outside. This moment is a return to the elements of living. Interact with a virtual file of this Great flex space
Sleep MOD location in the Core plan is rich with flexing opportunity. Composite sheet above highlights layers which are available for this MOD. Open plan MOD in conjunction with some mobile building components provide the ability to flex as the family needs transform. The family life cycle can repeat with a new generation of the family continues after the transition of this legacy wealth home. The Source Plan total concept design can take more than one generation to complete. Flex is about the ability to meet the new challenge of the next generation’s family dynamic. MODs beyond the Core plan units extended the IN space to create a village of spaces. Learn more about the village.
Sleep MOD options for sleeping spaces are illustrated in the comparison images above. Sleep space principle design is about rest and alone time a more intimate scale of space . Family members are encouraged to spend more time in the Flex spaces gathering and creating the next family event.
Home work
When a child needs some extra home time. Home on-line office is an element to maintain joy.
Sleep MOD flexes to create a single child sleep area as well as the work from home office. Internet meeting central for the days when a child requires a stay home parent but meetings are set for the day.
Accessible is a fundamental need for any family unit. The ability to flex to an accessible home and then back is a design element maintained for the maturing process. Mobile base cabinets are layers of flex to transition to a full accessible kitchen with the relocation of the cook island under the chop station and the recycle island at the kitchen sink. Short or long term accessible design is an element of living. Intergenerational living is a pivot point for flexing to accessible. The design has paths and ability to flex to support physical limits of the human body. Experience a movie of the kitchen flex in action.
Flexing for seasons. Transition from IN to OUT spaces are activated with layers of flex. A double swing dutch door in the kitchen is a direct access point to the retreat porch. Winter and late fall when direct access is not in high demand. Dutch door in closed position with flip up chop counters down and the mobile cook island in home position the cook station is active with a view out the top glass door. As spring approaches the top section can be opened to take advantage of early spring warm breeze day while preparing a meal. Spring, summer, and early fall the mobile cook island is relocated to center island location adjacent to the range and the flip up counters are stored away. The direct access to the Retreat porch is active ready for morning coffee a quick outdoor lunch or an evening drink. A direct path from kitchen to the outdoor grill area is made ready by this flex action. Experience a burst movie about seasonal flexing.
IN and OUT threshold space flex for a warm spring day with sunshine and a warm breeze. Side porch MOD arrives to extend the core plan covered side porch to an all-season flex space. Side porch is designed with an overhead glass door. In the closed position the glass door layers the room with light and views of the garden for an extension of the Great Flex space for gathering of a maturing family. Opening of the overhead door transforms the space to an open porch space ready for an active day of shade/sun and garden play yard time. Experience a burst movie Side Porch MOD
Revitalize flex is the ability to change a space with a simple relocation of the furniture elements within the space. The open plan concept of the flex spaces layered with the ability to recharge and create a fresh perspective for a space. Revitalization can also be activated by season IE head of the bed moved to an interior wall for the winter months. ISE Interactive Skin Enhancements are modular units that are a plug and play unit. Integrated into the core design walls and spaces these units arrive as need and budget come into balance. This form of revitalize recharges the core space adding multiple layers of flex potential. Experience a burst movie on the Retreat Bay ISE
Flexing Kitchen as food event central the location near the Great Flex creates layers of interaction for the family. Designed based on opportunities for all family members to contribute and celebrate preparing then sharing a food event. Quick stop kitchen is located adjacent to the Great flex ready for any one to prepare and snack or a lunch. The location out of the main cooking area allows for family kitchen access without and interruption of the cook for the current food event. Mobile cooking islands provide layers of kitchen flex to meet the needs of the family. The appliance island has a flip up counter which creates a working surface well suited for a seated cook to provide su chief support for the cook of the evening. An aged family member can contribute providing them with an all important feeling of making for the family. The ISE of the kitchen island provides for a cafe high bar area for eating area for a quick meal or relaxing with a drink while interacting with the cook. Experience a burst movie about the kitchen island ISE
MOD detail page example as illustrated above is created for each MOD. Layers of flex are communicated with the combination of typical elevations and plans with text and images. This combination is complimented with burst movies and virtual reality files to complete the experience of the space. View a burst movie of the kitchen area of the Food MOD.
Flexing of the exterior envelope of the dwelling is maturing and flexing to provide layers of experience. Natural light and views are considered with each new addition to the village of spaces. An image walking tour of the exterior is provided to visualize the maturing process from Core to source plan completion.
View an example movie of the Core plan exterior tour.
Fore more information visit our Flexing page.
Links below : Layers of OUT MODs learn more about the village of spaces.
Next month dialogue topic will be on plan Transformation. Dwelling flexing and maturing activated by the family life cycle. Inter generational and well aged living options will be explored. Activate a static space to transform your family life.
Comments and questions welcomed consider your response to the questions below and share them with us:
What are my elements of living?
Family dynamic needs a refocused priority for home design how does that impact my home design wish list?
Flexing and maturing home for the family life cycle have you considered what that can mean to your family’s future?
Betterment of the human condition does this influence your home design ideal.
I need a space to create…. how can my home support my passion for making?
Does home design influence the quality of family life I desire?
What joy do I find in my current home?
What does simplify and start my legacy wealth home mean to me today?
Genesis home first steps what is my core plan?
Well-aged living what is that definition for me?
What is your current path to a dream home?
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