Creating a legacy for future generation of a a family unit is an elemental Human need. Core plan is amended at a point during the life cycle of a family when aged living becomes a striving basic human principle. Caring for a parent or just preparing for the day when age/ health create a new dynamic.
Cabin as joy source for intergenerational living . Creating extended family memories in special site. The forest or the family farm. Learn more about some of the cabins we have been privileged to share in the creation process. Learn more about elemental cabin living.
Overview movie of inter-generational living design
Read a Dialogue blog post that explores the well aged living options with plan transformation.
Review an over view movie of a new Dialogue blog post for Inter-generational living.
A young couple embarks on the journey of life and begins with the Genesis home or core plan with the knowledge of the source plan as the future of how the home will mature into a dwelling. A dwelling that evolves into a legacy wealth home to start the life cycle again from a more advanced stage in the transformation process. The young couple can control the evolution of the dwelling with MODs arriving as budget and needs reach a balance. Leagacy MOD arrives to care for aging parents then can be transitioned as the young couple moves into the later stages of the well aged living portion of the cycle. Legacy becomes the home within the home as the genesis couple welcome the children to live in the core portion of the home. The flex layers allow for the reset to serve as the home becomes a inter-generational dwelling. The illustration above indicates the possible needs during the family life cycle and the MODs designed to arrive and meet those needs.
A genesis home can also be established by a older couple that have reached the stage in the cycle when simplification of home needs is welcomed. Sale of the larger family home and investment in a new path is considered for the retirement stage of the family life cycle. The genesis home provides a size complimenting the empty nesters needs. The legacy MOD provides the home based option for the later stages of well aged living. The core home can welcome the family of the children or grand children of the aged couple Genesis home creators. The illustration above indicates the possible needs during the family life cycle and the MODs designed to arrive and meet those needs for the aged couple simplification reset.
Legacy MOD arrives in the village of spaces as the cycle of family life reaches the milestone of aged living.
Each MOD has many layers of flexing potential. The detailed review of these features and the potential impact is explored in detail as illustrated in the image above. The Legacy MOD is comprised of two units creating a stand alone living unit. Design of legacy is layered with flex, a source for FDN challenges. Arrival of the Legacy MOD could be triggered by an aging parent reaching a point where living alone in a separate property is no longer a desire. As an addition to the core plan this MOD has layers of experience and function which can be added with limited impact core home living. A health issue could also be source for the need of Legacy MOD arrival as short term recuperation and rehabilitation space is can flex to meet all levels of accessible living. Young couple genesis home creators could also reach the point where assisted living needs can be filled by a child or grand child moving into the core home and the young couples well aged living continues in the village of spaces they have created.
Each space in the dwelling design is capable of flexing to reach any level of accessible living. As the family dynamic changes flexing helps meet the needs of the extended family. Option for well aged living are a fundamental design principle.
Food MOD has well aged living layers read a blog on this MOD.
Well aged living for existing homes read a blog on a revitalized kitchen.
As a multiple MOD addition the Legacy is unique in that it transforms the Core plan. The MOD units are connected to core plan with a sitting porch art gallery with a potential for new food art creating space directed connected to the OUT events. The accessible directive for this space is a potential for caring for aging parents or teenage child that is seeking knowledge. View the movie of the flex process to create a full accessible kitchen at the link :
This MOD revitalizes the core. It matures the plan to address the aged living that is present it all family life cycles. It is core block for the inter-generational need for the challenges of the modern family.
Legacy is a peninsula collection of spaces surrounded by the garden. The art gallery front porch is the connection to the Core plan home. Review movie of Legacy connection.
Living area is a window seat surrounded by garden. The murphy bed in the up position flexes for a creative space.
Gathering flexes as a gathering food creative event space. Legacy MOD spaces are garden view enhanced.
Flexing to be a full accessible kitchen. Relocation of some mobile cabinets creates a full accessible kitchen.
ISE kitchen island added to kitchen flexes to be full accessible. Everyone is able to contribute as the kitchen flexes to create a well aged living dwelling.
Snow birds arrive home from the warm climate winter home to spend the summer. Family welcomes their return to share and create more memories. The gardens are provide the well aged a passion for making therapy of work that results in beauty for the family a gift of sharing. A purpose as a contributing family member. Elemental living in a simplified life style.
Transport MOD arrives the shelter for protecting vehicles has multi function layers. Pollinator garden as raised garden options acts as a buffer between the transport MOD and the legacy MOD front porch. The roof of the car shelter is the platform for photo voltaic solar panels a direct connection to the power system of the home. Space under the shed can serve as a shaded outdoor play or work area or a stage for that next outdoor music event. A gutter collects the water from the transport and Legacy MOD roof to feed the water garden. Landscape and dwelling continue to evolve to provide a village of spaces layered with whole body experiences. See more of the MODs in currently in design development
Source plan map as guide for the need of accomplishments that lead toward a goal for a sense of actual wealth. Base camp to support safaris of life. The dwelling transforms over time to meet the fluid needs of the family. Cycle of life is also addressed as intergenerational life is part of the flexing village of spaces woven into the site.
This is an image of the portal page which offers an overview of the maturing and flexing process of a family life cycle. The means by which the dwelling evolves over the life cycle are illustrated. A source plan created for each unique site and the prevaricated modular components are woven into the site.
The core plan is the beginning of the journey as the home transforms to meet family needs.
Core plan image walk around. Each milestone along the journey is explored with the potential for each phase to meet family lifecycle needs. A flexing maturing dynamic process as a celebration of the simple joy of living experiences.
In this phase a family dynamic may be based on a young family with small children. Revitalization with a new MOD Side Porch and some ISE options are illustrated. This is an example of a detail plan sheet with links to fluid media content to bring the plan design to life. Images of moments in the space with potential layers of experience.
An example of a exterior review of the potential of this phase in the journey toward creating the source plan dream dwelling.
Upper left is core plan entry facade. Bottom right is core plan with Legacy MOD. A maturing plan.
Upper left Legacy MOD on core plan. Lower right Legacy MOD with Transportation MOD.
Out MODs arrive as the village of space matures.
OUT MODs arrive to support a life long passion for making and betterment of the human condition.
Veranda is core area for the OUT zone. connection to nature.
Bran MOD supports layers of connection with the extended family and community.
Gateway to garden and grove. Shade art retreat.
Potting shed porch creation zone for all things growing. Activate the property as local flower and food source.
MODs are used to prvide a quick solution to creation of the Core plan as the base of operation for the complete journey . The units are then added under the core roof structure as well as combined as direct extension to village of spaces. These MODs are used to add to the creation of OUT spaces. You can review the Black and white sneak peek images of the MODS in the gallery link on the home page menu.
Source plan provides a map for the maturing and flexing process to create a village of spaces. Spaces layered with human experience. Core plan is highlighted in this image. MODs and ISE and DIY projects are the evolution of the village of spaces. Family dynamic needs and source plan guide the process.
Read a Dialogue blog post celebrating the MOD concept with details of the Food MOD
We are in process of detailing some of the MODs in the village of spaces. Current design production includes Barn, Transport, Greenhouse, Veranda, and Gazebo.
.OUT space is the area immediately adjacent to the envelope of the dwelling. This village of spaces evolves over time as the dwelling matures. A source plan created for the dwelling suggest the features and possible qualities that can be obtained . The features are fundamentally presented in concept. Each features principle directive is to blur the lines between IN OUT space. This dialog creates layers of the experience transcending to refuge level for family members. These features do have a DIY source for the human need for creative work.
Source plan guides as the site matures. OUT space matures.
Source Plan seek peak is offered for review at this stage in the experience as proof of the fundamental need to provide the holistic design experience. This source plan offers a overall view of potential that the site and dwelling can become. A dwelling that is in a constant state of dialogue with the family unit and the site from which it celebrates joy seeking life journey
Interaction with the garden and site is consider in the early stages of the core plan placement. The garden and site are woven into the dwelling informed by the source plan. Protection of views and privacy are fundamental design principles.
Passion of making celebrated.
Source for growing local source of food and garden beauty.
Local sourced food and plant source blur the lines between IN and OUT space.
Growing retreat structure shade and shadow art creator.
Transport MOD features a hibernator and water garden. OUT spaces matures as the genesis home matures to a legacy dwelling.