
Return to Elements of Living is a fluid media experience.  Exploring dwelling design activated by Family Dynamic Needs. Elements of living are fundamental to human existence. A journey adventure defining an understanding the elements of living a return to a nucleus source to create a core plan.   Core plan that is created as the base for the journey to shelter and nurture the family unit. A plan that matures and flexes to the challenge of the constant state of flux a family dynamic need. MOD is a prefabricated modular unit brought to the site prefabricated to provide for a quick enclosure of the core dwelling. Core plan evolves over time as budget and need come into balance. A source plan is derived from an interaction between the family induvial needs and the site. MOD units are woven into the site to provide a village of IN and OUT. Threshold between these spaces is blurred to infuse nature of the site with extended family unit living. The cycle of life for the family unit informs design for intergenerational living with strategies for aged wellbeing.

The envelope which encloses the interior spaces is interactive and designed to flex and change to meet the ever-changing family need. MOD units and ISE enhancements are added to the further the evolution of dwelling guided by the source plan map. Multifunction flex spaces are catalyst to ever-changing family events.

DIY deign ideas are provided for the sweat equity CrossFit work out with benefits.