MODs are layers of elements distilled and refined to provide levels of experience and function. Seeking a more joy based life is exploration in simplification. Each family need is distilled down to the elemental core. A core infused with the design philosophy of celebrating each functional need as an experience. An experience worthy of finding a zen state, a joy in showing love for the family unit by providing and enriching the family unit. View and over view movie of MODs
The simple act of washing clothes is given some thought as to how this need can be satisfied by each family members contribution. Location of this process near the Great flex allows for all to contribute to this collective family need. having a view of the garden and ability to interact with other family members in the is elemental design criteria. Chore time can be a simple joy time and a means to express love for other family members. The act of giving to others is a form of making which is an elemental human need.
Interaction of the family unit on this elemental level is centered on the need to have compassion for all humans and to work toward the betterment of the human condition. Sustainable living is an elemental concern for the design decision contained within the MOD as a completed unit ready to serve the family . Each act of kindness between family members is amplified when sustainable concerns are considered.
MODs shift design to balance :
Space to Event
Layers with in the MOD design and construction create a space for each event. Multi function and mobile furniture and cabinet elements flex as the event at hand requires leveraging the open plan to the fullest extent.
Material to budget
MODs are holistically designed to a distilled foot print with the objective of maximizing the flex space of the home. The limited size is an advantage for the amount of materials required so the quality of the material selected is of a higher quality. Modular construction helps to limit the waste and improve efficiency.
Craftsmanship to quality control
Controlled environment is the key for modular construction practices. The working conditions for the craftsman are more controlled for safety, work consistency, and the quality of work. Materials environmental limits are maintained through all seasons in the modular indoor construction environment.
Flex to multi function
Layers woven into each MOD design provide for the flexing support of multi-functional use of space. Traditional single source space types of home design are forgotten. The formal dining room space is transformed to a flex space. Space is created with such a budget cost it should serve multiple needs with the priority of family unit needs as the first consideration.
Experience to whole body
Experiences are a considered source for each design directive. Recognition of the possibility of creating an opportunity for a human experiences that engages as many senses as possible is the goal. Seating with a view and ability to catch a crossing fragrance breeze from the garden as the crickets serenade is an example of a whole body experience moment.
Family to needs
Traditional ideas of space types in the home shift when family needs are prioritized. Family is a dynamic unit in a constant state of flux. A fluid situation that requires a new strategy. Recognition of these more experience joy life based needs is a fundamental directive. Elements are then layered to celebrate and encourage the gathering and interaction of family members.
Modular to details
Home design in a modular approach is destined for a fresh approach that harnesses the power of multiple unit design that has the ability to be reconfigured for each unique site design. Definition of design that can be built multiple times in a controlled environment is an idea that has been proven by many product types. Level of detail is more clearly focused.
Construction time to dwelling
On site work has limits and restriction that need to be avoided to improve the time line and labor cost related to building on site. MODs facilitate a quick enclosed envelope to work. Core MODs are set and pre-manufactured assembly systems are deployed to obtain and control environment for completion of the work. Core dwelling conditions are reached and additions of MODs mature the plan as need and budget come into balance.
Maturing to family life cycle
MODs give life to the maturing process and continue the journey from core plan within a tight budget Genesis Home toward a village of spaces Legacy Home. Fundamental family needs are addressed with the core plan MODs. Family life cycle has different needs at each stage. MODs are designed with typical needs established. Circumstance has an impact on time frame of the sequence of MODs arrival. Each MOD has fundamental needs targeted and customization of a MOD is a flex to serve each life cycle change.
Layers to elements
Construction elements have layers to celebrate moments of elemental living. Those foundation of life’s moments that transform your life and wellness toward a joy based life. Design principles are shifted toward a flexing maturing element consideration criteria. Products assemblies and system are selected to reach a balance between the betterment of the human condition on the micro and macro levels. A world related view of a sustainable family centered dwelling.
IN to OUT space
Interaction between the IN space and OUT spaces as a fundamental design principle. Blurring the lines between these space types extends the living environment. Threshold between these space types is an opening to the unlimited spacial experiences. Garden and IN space are designed in conjunction as inspired by the source plan. Site and dwelling mature and flex to provide the family with layered whole body experience moments.
Garden to table
Wellness and sustainable living are fully experienced in this concept. Growing your own food is a act of making an inherit human need. Sustainable fundamental food source strategies does not include a single source as a basis of wellness. A diverse local base for food sources should be supplemented by growing you own food. The ability to grow food and give to others is a a joy source.
Core to village of spaces
MODs create the core plan then contribute to the maturing process of the dwelling over the family life cycle. MODs arrive as budget and need come into balance. Village of IN and OUT spaces as guided by the source plan provides for legacy wealth home. A home created by the joy and making of the generations before to continue the cycle of the next generation to build on the memories and village created by those who came before with vision to create such a joyful dwelling. Family life cycle is a loop ready to flex for the next generation of the family.
Joy to living
Elemental living is centered on the joy of living within a family unit. Simple moments are recognized and celebrated. Meeting the human need of making intertwined with creation of a beautiful refuge a home base for the journey of life. A space created with this sense of joy as a fundamental foundation to support and activate the imagination. Seeking out and finding a passion for life.
Age to wellness
Well aged living can be activated by the elements of the home. Design can provide MODs with the ability to flex and meet needs as they change. The family dynamic is a fluid state over the family life cycle MODs provide a stable base of function to satisfy human needs and multi-function capabilities to a vision of what a home can become. Celebrating a found passion to the next level as you grow older in a home created by loving and sharing with a family. Flexing to meet accessible levels for each family member at all ages.
Inter-generational to dynamic family
Family unit is a living entity that is in a constant state of fluid dynamics. An extended family potential that is created and maintained by the MODs based design system. Legacy MOD is centered on the creation of possibilities of home based care for well aged life. A wealth of loving and joy can be derived from a family life cycle plan. A plan that includes home based care for well aged living.
Genesis to legacy
Core plan is the Genesis home a seed planted ready to grow and bloom. Flexing and maturing over time the source plan guides the placement of the MODs in the site. Each site has a unique set of qualities that should be explored and celebrated through living and making. MODs are a source for defining the village of spaces that create a legacy. A legacy to be shared with the next generation to start the flexing and maturing process a new. Building on the established base to further memories of a wealth of family bonding and joy. This home has childhood memories that I want my children to experience and know the family members that came before to create this joy based living environment.
Seasonal to human condition
Dwelling is a home that flexes to meet the needs of the human condition as the season change. Integration of the IN and OUT spaces transitioning through the season to create a whole body experience potential with events of family celebration. Relationship between IN and OUT environment is filter by the homes envelope an interactive skin which flexes to take advantage of the seasonal changes. Human condition is directly impacted by the weather controlled access to natural light and fresh air are elemental human needs.
Chore to sharing
Family sharing and contribution to required chores are a fundamental design concern. The act of sharing in a chore and giving to others on a simple level preparing a meal to folding clothes are joy based sharing. MOD designs create a limited foot print approach to providing multi function work zone accessible to the everyone in the family to contribute. These spaces are functional first but also take into account that a view and ability to interact with the rest of the family during chore time is important.
Elemental to celebration
Core human needs are elemental however gathering and events are the focus of the flex spaces. MODs have flexing capability to support and create an ever changing event space for all the family gathering needs. Imagination is celebrated in these open plan spaces.
Moment to memory
A moment in a space evolves into memories. These memories are a result of the whole body experience associated with a space. A moment of interaction between family members imprints on the mind and can be triggered as joyful memory by senses a sound or smell. MODs impact these spaces and create opportunities for creation and celebration of these moments in a collection of spaces a home.
Envelope to environment
The enclosing envelope of the dwelling are composed of many elements and systems. These systems are first sustainable then targeted at creating an environment that better the human condition. A whole body experience directive. Filter and control the elements of light and sun shine to provide a high quality of natural light. Interaction with the exterior elements the site and garden are a design fundamental.
Light to ventilation
Natural light requires many different types of strategies to maintain a high quality of light for the human experience in the space. Ventilation in the same respect requires design consideration to keep the interior environment to a level of human comfort for temperature as well as air mixture. MODs bring a new level of construction and systems to create a balanced environment.
Making to passion
Inherit in all humans is the need to make to create with hands, mind, and body. On journey from Genesis home to Legacy home the process of finding a passion that can meet this elemental need is explored and them celebrated as the career portion of work life transitions to work for joy. MODs arrive to help advance these passion maintaining a sense of purpose for the aged wellness.
Work to family
Work life can be directly impacted by the dwelling design. MODs flex and mature the home to provide a home base for life’s journeys. A design philosophy based on family unit interaction and support each element of the MOD and or home can make a difference with each design opportunity in the family life cycle process. Seeking to create a refuge for your family is beyond the work life that provides financial need support. Imaginative play and making create a simple joy based life a path to wellness and well aged living. Flexing to meet the needs of a work from home to help maintain a balance.
MODs are the source for the core plan and continue to arrive during the plan transformation.
Modular nature of the each MOD capitalizes on the ability to create these units in a controlled environment with a modern labor force. Advantages are similar to the qualities of the materials that can be selected and the craftsmanship as evidenced by the automotive industry. The design quality is more focused and the space is of a more intimate human scale. Multi function space allocations is leveraged to direct as much space for the gathering flex spaces of the home. Review an over view movie of the Flexing principal
MODs design principle contribute to the budget balance challenge. The advantages of modular construction play an advanced roll in budget. High level design results in limiting the material waste and labor impacts of stand alone one off design of home spaces. MOD created in a controlled environment reduce time for the actual on site building process a direct impact on the cost of borrowing. Quick enclosure of the envelope of the house reduces the time impact of weather at the site can have on time and schedule. The contribution that MODs have on the maturing of the plan over time allow for the core plan to help with tight budget restrains of building the Genius home.
Detailed design of each MOD is communicated in the pages of the experience. Core plan MODs strive to meet the core family needs with the ability to flex and mature. We have published two previous blogs that are focused on the principles of flex and transformation a maturing of the plan over the family life cycle. The MODs in the core plan have different levels of complexity Food and Bath are the two most complex with Core and then sleep as less complex. The focus of this blog post will be the FOOD mod.
Core Plan MODs Illustration the seed plan a genesis home.
Food MOD is the most complex and introduces a new basis of design for what a kitchen and service area can provide for the FDN Family Dynamic Needs. Elemental break down of kitchen and the interaction with flex spaces is explored and celebrated with this MOD design. Refer to a movie for the plan transformation
Overview page for the Food MOD
The food MOD is a bridge space between the Flex spaces. Great Flex and Retreat Porch have flexing connections to the Food MOD. Refer to dutch door flexing movie
Flex kitchen takes on the challenge of creating a space layered with the ability for all family members to contribute while meeting the needs of the next family event. Work station have been created in the design dedicated to common function of food preparation. The flexing layers allow for this kitchen to surpass and expand the idea of what kitchen is to a modern family. Food events are central to most all family gatherings. This is true for the everyday meals to the celebration events of the extended family. Gathering for a meal is elemental to the health of the family unit. Making of the food and sharing with family interaction is a elemental act of joy. Selfless acts of giving between family members is the foundation of a joy life. Support an reassurance of the family within the home helps to create the refuge that home can become. Design of the home activates this source to create spaces of whole body experience.
Core plan kitchen multi cook zones
Food MOD inclusion of all to contribute is first expressed in the quick stop kitchen. This area located outside the main cook zone and adjacent to the Great flex is a one stop shop. The younger family members are celebrated in this zone of the kitchen. The appliances located in this area are for quick snack or meals. Toaster for warming of a pop tart or bagel. Toaster oven for the quick hot sandwich or frozen pizza. Microwave for the popcorn or warming soup. The fridge with a pull out cold drawer offers the short people to fix a snack grab a drink. without entering the main cook zone of the kitchen. Quick stop also caters to the adult family member with a coffee machine with all the fixins. Aged family members will also find this quick stop has layers that address any accessible challenges. Quick stop kitchen is a location where ages interact as an aged family member shares with a child to begin the love of creating food for one self and others. It is a elemental human need to want to contribute and maintain independence quick stop provides the experience layers. If meal creation is in process then a quick snack can be created without interruption or safety issues that are present in the main cook zones of the kitchen. A trash container behind the a kitchen cabinet door allows for quick disposal of snack related operations.
Detail page for the Quick Stop Kitchen area a one stop cafe and snack center.
Swing and slide doors open for access to the Quick Stop kitchen
Core kitchen main cook zone has layers of flex to meet the challenges of any cooks desire to create that special meal to share. The gas range on the outside wall can be equipped with convection oven for all those baking events. The hood is vented directly to the exterior to remove the heat / steam and smell of that great fish dish which can present an odor challenge. A pot filling faucet is also located over the range so that pasta pot is filled without the transfer from the kitchen sink. Chop station to the left of the range is created in front of the dutch door. The flip up stainless steel counter can be activated to the up position. Cook island below is mobile and can be located to the range cook station. This flex option creates the ability to change with the season and have direct walk through access to the retreat porch beyond when the weather allows for OUT dining. Refer to image below for for a side by side comparison of the double dutch door flex.
Core kitchen seasonal flex as cook station flexes to summer cook location.
Top of the dutch door can also be opened when it is just a nice spring day and provides serving window access for the retreat porch. Stainless steel counters to the right of the range provide for a quick spot for cooling of the finished food offer and an opportunity for a buffet type serving area as plated meals head to the Retreat porch. The window to the right of the range is natural light for herb garden for a quick snip and chop.
Core kitchen with double dutch door open to retreat porch image on the right. A seasonal Flex for Food MOD
Double dutch door access to the retreat porch. This spring and summer flex layers of experience potential. Kitchen access changes with the season and the needs of the event. Kitchen as event center the nucleus of the core plan ready to transform along with the home based on family needs.
Top of double dutch door open provides a serving window for the retreat porch and catch a spring breeze.
As the plan matures the retreat porch ,which in the core plan is a covered porch, can become a screen porch or with the addition of a glass wall system can become an all season space. This porch is adjacent to the Retreat flex as an escape OUT space experience. Food MOD connection creates more layers of OUT space living. A quick coffee spot in the morning or an evening drink. Retreat porch is a interaction space between the retreat flex and the food MOD surrounded by garden. Outdoor dining or a raining day of reading the retreat porch is a couples or alone time OUT space.
Accessible flexing is elemental for a well aged living home Food MOD has many layers.
Each zone in the kitchen has the ability to flex to meet full accessible needs. Relocation of the cook island allows for wheel chair access to the chop station as well as the cook top oven access from a wheel chair. Flexing for well aged living is a elemental principal as the home matures.
Each station in the kitchen has a purpose with storage solution for the task at hand.
Baking center is located within arms length of the cook zone. The single electric oven is located in a low position for ease of loading and unloading. This oven is well suited for casserole and stew dishes. A convection microwave is located above at counter top height which positioned to take advantage of a quick meal option. Stainless steel counter is located to the left ready for the rest of the hot dishes out of the oven area. . Above the ovens stack are two pull out pantries for storage of all baking needs. Base cabinet to the left of the ovens area is the baking island. It can be positioned to provide more counter space for baking event which may include preparation of sheet trays read to go into the oven for a production run for a day of baking. The relocation of this baking island allows for full access to the staked oven area for a wheel chair baker.
The zones in the kitchen allow for more than one cook in the kitchen. Well aged living for the kitchen is driven by the need to maintain independence and the elemental need to contribute and be a giving member of the family unit. Aged family members thrive we they maintain an active mind and are able to continue to care for family members a sense of purpose is a elemental to the human condition. Sharing in the making process for the all family members is a central source for the design of this kitchen.
Cook mobile island located in home station behind cook top. Appliance Island in core plan home location.
Mobile appliance island is heavily leveraged by this zone of the kitchen. Storage of the following appliances in the pull out cabinet below this island include but are not limited to mixer, blender, and food processor. The counter top above is the surface for operation of these appliances. A bread maker can also be stored in this area ready for the baking event. Kitchen flexing allows for each food event needs to be retooled. Flexing in this way is multi function celebration offering layers of experience in a balanced foot print of space.
Kitchen sink multi view. Refer to movie on connection of Great flex to Food MOD
Clean up zone is located on the kitchen sink wall. The kitchen sink is a designed to provide for the clean up of large pots and and preparation for loading the dishwasher that is adjacent and to the right of the sink. the single large bowel sink allows for the creation of a food wash and preparation center. With the selection of a single bowel sink layers can be added to this station. The view from the kitchen sink is toward the great flex which has multiple view options of the hearth, media, and the garden beyond. Interaction with family members in the great flex is also possible. A large single bowel sink can be flexed to create a garden to table preparation area. Offerings from the garden can be washed chopped and stored for later use or transferred to the cook station for a fresh garden meal event. Below this sink is a recycle station for the sorting and storage of recyclables. This cabinet also contains a trash reciprocal along with a container for the compost. Cuttings for the vegetables are a great source for creating a rich soil base for the garden and fertilizer tea a great return on the investments in the form of fresh food meals. Above the sink on the wall is the open shelf area. Open selves offer the ability to display some of your ceramics collection as well as quick access to those everyday items. Cut flowers and plants add a vertical garden area yet another view option from the kitchen sink. Kitchen sink zone also has visual and verbal connection to those family members enjoying the retreat porch by the full glass double dutch door. Each station offers multiple interaction and view possibilities making of food art is enhanced by this whole body experience space. The recycle center is a mobile cabinet to flex for full wheel chair access to the kitchen sink.
Storage in the kitchen is simplified and zoned as well. Each station has dedicated storage well suited for each task. Open shelves above the sink has a pass through from the walk in pantry area on the other side of the wall. Walk in pantry area is open shelves located in the service support area of the Food MOD. Storage of long term kitchen needs and the stockpile of staples collected from the last Costco trip. The pass through is for a quick exchange from walk in pantry to kitchen transfers.
Flip up counter chop station with cook island stored below. Pull out pantry provide access to station related storage.
The corner cabinet area is always a challenge for efficient use of the space. Under the counter in this corner has been energized by the dutch door location. A lazy Susan can pantry area is accessed by a tabor type door. In this case a can pantry is not limited to store bought cans but can also serve as the direct access spot for the abundant vegetable garden harvest that was canned last year a mason jar bank of goodness. Winter time fresh vegetables are a true elemental moment. The tabor door allows for can pantry access while the cook island is in home position. A revolving canning pantry in this location is further leveraged by the appliance garage at the counter height. A tabor door is also used to access this space for the storage of crock or wonder pot. Vegetable preparation in the sink crock pot from the garage and counter above the dishwasher is activated to create a crock pot meal. This allows for cooking on the nights of practice for the kids or an long day at work. Family meal time at the home table.
Above this corner cabinet are pull out pantries for the storage of food preparation related items. To the right of the stove are utensil storage drawer stack.
Dutch door open with cook island in home location. Direct retreat porch access is a great seasonal change.
Food MOD is a flexing kitchen. The use of mobile island cabinets purposed for and storing the cooks tools are layers of change to meet the needs of a particular kitchen event. Family related events that are a celebration of making and sharing food.
Core plan appliances island peninsula location. Open kitchen ready for a buffet line of a work group area for vegetable garden harvest processing.
Multiple cook zones allow for a family team approach to preparing the meal of the day or a stock pile of lunches for the week ahead. Cooking days provide a wealth of good food for the week. The quality interaction of making food together as a family in the source for the food MOD design. Sharing of these efforts helps to create memories and a family bonding moment.
Core plan baking kitchen. Baking island moves out from under counter storage area
The image above provides a moment in the kitchen maybe a baking day. Coming together to create bread for the extended family. Grandma shares her wealth of knowledge in the creation of that favorite baked good that everyone enjoys and relish the memories that this gift of love brings to life in a whole body experience.
Gathering in the kitchen as meal time is a making event.
Image above kitchen event in progress as everyone reinforces the sense of purpose as a contributing family member. Zones are established and multi cook food creation becomes whole body family experience event. Sight of the fresh ingredients coming together with the active hands of making are complimented by smells of the cooking complimented be the sounds of shared stores and laughter. Elemental event resulting in the sharing of a meal that all can feel the satisfaction of working together to share in this moment.
A canning event as the family makes ready for the harvest of a family created garden.
As the harvest arrives form your family garden or from a local farm source the objective above is to create a winter stockpile of fresh vegetable. Coming together as family to create a fresh source of ingredients for the cold weather months. Satisfaction from planting the seed and caring for a plant to produce and then gathering the harvest is an elemental experience. As a celebration of family interaction a shared experience of making as a family is only made better by the sharing of these labors to friends and family. A gift of some canned tomatoes to a friend during the winter is an act of sharing from my family to fiends and those in need.
Appliance island positioned as a counter space for the quick stop kitchen.
Mobile appliance island provides counter space for the perpetration of an after school snack as granny provides support for a home work session. Food MOD flexes into the great flex space to create layers of extended family space. Legacy MOD provides layers to create an extended family life option for home care or well aged living. MODs are a continued source of the maturing and flexing to create a well aged living environment. Senior living core issue is to reduce the isolation and loneliness that has far reaching impact to health and mental vibrancy. Refer to wellness page to learn more.
Laundry Pantry area of the Food MOD is a support space and mud room for the core plan.
Detail page above illustrates the laundry storage area of the Food MOD. This space is located in the plan with access form the great flex space. This location provided a view of the garden area while processing the laundry. Core plan mudroom is also a layer of function for this space. Dutch door activates to allow for direct access from the exterior.
Plan below indicates view as illustrated above for the laundry pantry area.
This is laundry processing central with a stacked washer and dryer unit and sorting wall hung baskets adjacent. The flip up counter near the dutch door is the folding work area with a view of the garden. Flip up the counters and relocate the mobile laundry island to the storage area below the wall hung pantry shelves to activate the door for mud room functions. Fold down ironing board provides a quick touch up of a shirt.
Landry mobile island stored under pantry shelves. Laundry sorting basket and hanging.
Laundry mobile island in the storage spot flexes the folding area to ad active dutch door.
Clothes process central with a view of the garden. Flip up counters down for folding.
Location of laundry near the main cook and the great flex provide a quick drop in by all family members to keep the process in motion. Natural light and view help to provide a layered experience for this chore work zone.
Mudroom seat provide a waiting spot for those clothes to come out of the dryer.
Fold down ironing board is a layer for the quick touch up of a shirt for the days journey.
This area has many layers of organizing and storage. Frozen food finds a home in this vertical freezer column type model. This unit also provides cold water for the quick drink for kids enjoying a day of play outside. Pantry shelves are for store bought and canned items from the garden. A pass true window allows for quick transfer of storage to immediate storage or use on the other side of the wall which is the main cook area. A broom closet is to the right of the washer and dryer unit for storage of the cleaning supplies. Storage cabinets for work clothing organizes the IN and OUT space transition for all family members.
The suspended storage and light grid above provide for some hanging storage options and the drying of flower and herbs. Over head cabinets above in the are for off season storage options.
Mudroom function has layers to provide for seasonal flexing. The flip down of the seat provides a place to remove the muddy boots from the garden. The kids can use this this spot as entry while playing to drop shoes and or clothes before entering the house. With the top door of dutch door it can become the serving window for a quick snack for those dirty bunch of playing kids. Peg board storage wall provides storage of the hats coats and sweaters adjustable for the season change needs.
Kids can remove some layers of dirt and drop them in the wash before entering the home.
Food MOD is layered with many flex options. Food MOD also matures as needs and budget come into balance. ISE of the kitchen island takes the core kitchen to another level.
The island has many new appliances for the gathering zones of the kitchen. Cooling drawer under counter frig, ice maker and wine cooler are support for layers of experience.
Islands high stool seating provides for a gathering location. A quick breakfast or just and evening drink this seating is a family interaction spot with direct contact with bar tenderer or sue chief for the day. Bar top seating also doubles as a breakfast or lunch counter for the family quick meals. Refer to movie on ISE kitchen island
ISE Kitchen Island arrives layers of flex for the core kitchen. Cafe dining and conversation.
The appliances island provides the counter surface for the activation of the counter top appliances. The new counter space of the island provide work space for the raw food preparation and a great salad station. Flip up counter on the appliance island provides a great seated work space for the well aged cook to provide direction for the kids at the quick stop kitchen and those older kids in the main kitchen passing along the family food traditions.
Expansion of the food MOD into the Great flex provides the gathering kitchen. Accessible flexing is fundamental.
The multi source views from the bar area offer the whole body experience. With the media screen in the down position you can view the content being watched by the family in the seating area of the Great flex. View of the garden beyond extends the IN space to the OUT spaces beyond. The fireplace can also offer a view of the fire and siting hearth.
Kitchen as layered family interaction zone is celebrated.
Appliance mobile island located at home location at the end of the bar provides a boundary and open kitchen area for flex type activities in the kitchen.
Core kitchen cook zones remain intact while engaging with the great flex gathering space.
In the island you have the addition of a new food wash sink where vegetable can be processed and made ready for the main cook zone. The new sink also provides the beverage center at the end of the bar a wet bar layers of service.
A compost storage bin is located below the sink in this island to continue the cycle of creating great soil for the garden.
Beverage area layers to experience making and sharing while the cooks continue the food event.
The beverage center at the end of bar has a peg board storage area for storing the beverage creation accessories. At the end of the bar a wine cooler unit provides easy access to the wine racks above the frig and quick stop kitchen zone. An ice machine provides all the ice needed for the beverage center. A two drawer drink cooler helps round out the beverage center components.
Food MOD activates to create elemental family food events. The rest of the core MODs will also be featured for a blog post so check back soon. OUT spaces have mods as well that are currently in design development. Refer to this link to view early content
Links below : Layers of OUT MODs learn more about the village of spaces.