Kernel and plan transformation are explored through many layers of whole body experience based design philosophy.
The kernel is genesis and the source for the growth process. It is the seed which can mature to meet the developing needs of the family dynamic. The pioneers when establishing homestead built the minimum to meet the constraints of the current human condition then as the education of living in the site informed the way as home grew and flex to meet the changing needs of the family. The ability to create a legacy that can be passed forward and continue to serve the family unit for generations was the definition of creating a self-perpetuating source a wealth of human well being. Home and land were one in symbiotic relationship considered as a sustaining source for extended family. Inter-generational living is a element of living explored throughout the experience. View an overview movie for this blog post
Source Plan is created exploring the unique potential of the site and how the core plan MODs are woven into the site. Holistic site consideration as a starting point in the design of a dwelling provides a map for the journey ahead. Generation exchange in the family life cycle allows for the vision of founding generation to provide a legacy wealth of a village of spaces rich with layers of family experience based elemental living. Example Source plan is illustrated in the composite sheet below. The core plan is highlighted in the cyan color in the source plan image below.
Core plan is the kernel a seed plan ready to mature, flex, and grow. Source plan is established through a unique design process activated by elemental living fundamentals. Catalyst of the creation of this map for the journey ahead is dynamic and fluid. Design in a holistic multilayered interaction with contribution from sources more of human experience than cultural traditions. Establishing a composition of building elements woven into the site. Core plan is distilled down from the overall dream of what dwelling can become balanced with current means and state of family unit. Family life cycle is the time factor element of the design process. A composite page for each phase communicates the potential layers of the dwelling is this early phase of the evolution.
FDN indicated in red below are Family Dynamic Needs. A simple fundamental need that is meet by this location in the space. FDN is an experience that reflects on the location in the plan and the human needs that present them selves as opportunity for betterment of the human condition. ISE after a FDN indicates that a ISE Interactive Skin Enhancement is available for this area in the plan. ISE is a pre-manufactured a plug and play type unit designed into the MODs and walls of the units.
FU indicated in cyan below are Furniture Units. FU indications help provide scale of the space and hints to how this space will provide for family needs. Furniture is chosen for multi-functional and mobile characteristics. these qualities help add to the ability of the plan to transform for event or a more long term family dynamic change.
BC indicated in blue below are Building components. BC indications help with the understanding of how the envelope of skin of the building contributes to creating a whole body experience space.
OS indicated in green below OUT Space Features are potential locations within the site. Each location indicated has potential to create an experience driven encounter. OS features contribute to the IN space and well as the out space. DIY Do it Yourself plays a role in these features the design ideas are supported by hands on example of the design construction and installation. These features have a time component plants and trees are planted in the core phase .of the dwelling journey. Based on the source plan concept these plants when mature will dovetail into and new MOD arrival or an ISE unit install.
Types of plan transformation are layered in maturing option. The composite image below is the portal page which contains links to the phases of the plan. Each phase has detailed layers that are designed units ready for flexing and maturing. Building of a legacy wealth home evolves over time and involves the complete family in the making process. Creating a refuge for the family. Amish communities are a good example as the farm evolves over time with each generation’s contribution. Legacy wealth includes the memories made of family gathering and the building of the village of spaces.
Family unit past present and future needs are considered and provide a deep rich soil base for the planting and growth of the dwelling as a living entity. Design interaction can begin at any stage in the family unit’s current life cycle stage of development. A young couple with a geniuses home or an aged couple returning to a more simple well being based life. Fundamental elements of living are imagined within the site. Modular units designed to a high level of detail complimented by sustainable quality materials with craftsmanship worthy of a refuge. A home base for the journey ahead.
MODs composed in the core plan as illustrated above are placed to take full advantage of the site and solar orientation. Privacy from public view and the views to future garden spaces are studied in the Source plan creation process. The MODs are set and the Flex spaces are created with enclosure from pre-manufactured wall and roof systems to complete the envelope of the interior spaces. MODs are arrive throughout the maturing process. Each MOD has design features with flex layers adding experience options to meet family needs. MODs provide the means to enclose the home quickly reducing construction time on site. Each design concept contributes to the effort of budget balance to start the process by creating the genesis home which matures to become a legacy wealth home.
Food MOD Contains the core kitchen with support space for pantry, laundry, and mud room. Each area of this MOD interact with the Great flex, Retreat porch, and the OUT space. Flex potential in this location in the Core plan is amplified as the village of spaces mature. The food MOD acts as a buffer in this location while maintaining access for all to contribute to everyday needs for family support.
Bath MOD Engages the family members in a centralized access to hygiene needs as well as water therapy possibilities.Foot print of this MOD has been distilled down to a minimal required philosophy for support spaces. Water interaction spaces are target toward minimal maintenance with high quality finishes as source for design.
Sleep MOD Location in the core plan charges this open plan flex space with many layers of functional needs for the family unit. A MOD focused on rest and retreat it is an intimate human scale space. Quite study and regeneration are central to this MOD design.
Hub MOD Functional this MOD is the entry point the utilities that come into the home. Mechanical systems are housed and serviced from one space in this MOD. Location immediate adjacent to the retreat flex the layers of flex in this portion of the Hub MOD. The range of FDN for this space is varied from nursery to study. Hub MOD provide a buffer form the street or entry from the driveway or public street. Storm shelter is another feature of this MOD.
Each MOD has detail pages which explain the flex options for each MOD. Maturing and transforming the plan as the family needs require MODs are spaces distilled down to elemental level so that flexes spaces have a scale and layers to balance the needs of the family.
Plan transformation flows through family life cycle process in a fluid dynamic way to balance with the ever-changing family unit needs. Budget when in balance with needs activate a maturing process. Revitalization of the core plan is accomplished through design established means inherent in modular units. Guided by the source plan modular units and prefab enhancement arrive and provide more layers of experience to meet the current state of family unit needs. The image above is an illustrated version of the family life cycle for a young couple as the founding generation creating a genesis home. Image below illustrates a aged couple in a return to a more simple joy based life in hopes of creating a legacy wealth home for a new generation of the family. We have a blog post to offer in the near future devoted to the family life cycle concept. Narrative at each phase of the plan change suggest the source for the transformation. Needs of the family at each stage are the source for creation and development of new MODs and ISE units to provide layers of experience options.
Image below is a sneak peek of the MOD units that are in design development. A village of spaces guided by the source plan. The journey of the family is captured by the creation of a Legacy wealth dwelling. Providing reactivation of the flexing and maturing process to meet the next generations of the families journey. Compounding of experience based whole body environment now infused with memoirs of the couple which built the genesis home. Barn and Green House MOD combined to create spaces for pursuing a passion of making central to a joy based life. Transport is a MOD for protection of vehicles as well as a platform for photo-voltaic solar panels. Veranda and gazebo MOD are OUT spaces that provide support for the play yard and garden. These MODs are layered with OUT space whole body experiences. IN spaces are activated by these additions to the village of spaces.
FLex is one fundamental activator by which the plan can provide for the changing needs. We have a blog post devoted to this topic take a look at Flex Space for a deep dive on this topic. Flex has the ability to cycle as needed to engage with the family lifecycle course. Core plan has flex spaces that are multifunction based open plan spaces. MODs also have the ability to flex and become multilayered experience spaces. An event or a new space for a time frame flexing is a powerful tool for meeting needs of the family life cycle. Each MOD has an experience area which communicates the layers of flex contained in the design of each unit. The image below is a composite sheet of flexing in the Core plan Great Flex. As the dwelling matures each phase adds more layers of experience for the flex spaces. View a movie on flex as a plan transformation option
Links below : Layers of OUT MODs learn more about the village of spaces.
MOD units are another source for the dwelling to mature. Arrival of a new MOD is designed to engage with minimal impact on the living continuing in the established spaces. Source plan map provides the potential of MOD additions. New MODs also have built in flex potential which enrich the layers of experience for dwelling as a whole. Events and space types are additive experience wealth of the home village of spaces. View a movie of the Great flex of the core plan. In comparison view a movie of the great flex in phase one when ISE kitchen island is installed. Phase one great flex. Review a movie of the great flex in phase two when the side porch MOD arrives as an extension of the great flex. Phase 2 great flex
Viewing the evolution through a sequence of burst movies communicates the power of plan transformation. Building a core that matches the budget with the knowledge of what the dwelling can become over time gives a sense of power to the genesis home creator.
Side porch MOD arrives as an extension to the great flex space. Sliding under the projecting roof of the core plan it extends the porch space to all season space. Side porch MOD could arrive when the family is growing both in age and number, so more space for flexing events is required. Transition from enclosed porch space to open shade porch is a quick operation of the glass overhead door. Phase plan detail page below provides some highlights of this flex event spaces extension. View an movie of the side porch.
Side Porch MOD arrives
Side porch MOD as extension to the great flex transforms the qualities of the Great flex with layers of experience. Side porch becomes a threshold space between IN flex space and OUT garden space. A filter of sorts allowing for the filtered light to enter the great flex while maintain views of play yard and garden beyond. This space is a flex space with some unique characteristics. In the image below options of door open and closed. Music room would a great source for events creating a stage for an outside event seating concert on the play yard. Side porch MOD also double as a great passive solar collector for a sunshine cold winter day. Review a movie of Side porch MOD.
Each MOD has detail pages which illustrates the design features. refer to image below. FDN need responses are indicated on these composite sheets. Potential experiences are explored and celebrated as the source of the detailed design. Images offer a moment of human experience in the space of the MOD. The Food MOD is detailed below. View a movie of the core plan kitchen. In comparison view a movie of the food MOD evolution through ISE and flex. Phase two food MOD.
Revitalization of the plan is another transformation process. ISE Interactive Skin Enhancement are prefab units design for a plug and play type revitalization of the dwelling at anytime during the family life cycle. Building elements are designed with flex features with these future added units considered. These units are identified on the details stage plan pages for each phase. ISE units are detailed and communicated in another experience section. The image below ISE detail page for the Retreat Flex. A Retreat Bay unit is added to the exterior wall adding layers of potential for couple interaction or a place of solitude an escape pod in the garden. A blog post on ISE is coming soon please check back often for new content.
The image below is an example of a ISE that is an interior only revitalization. The corridor has been sized and the walls have been designed ready for the installation of this ISE Arrive and Depart. The corridor is activated to become a multi-functional space as access to a collection of cabinets that create space and organize the family gear. Launch point for each days journey out into the world a departure for adventure. Arrival is the return trip back to home base and a central location to stow the gear ready for the next day. ISE arrive as the need and budget come into balance. Genesis home creator takes advantage of this system to balance the budget for the first steps in the journey the core plan. Knowledge that these options are possible provides the hope that the home will continue to revitalize and mature. Review a movie of the Retreat Bay ISE.
The Legacy MOD is outlined in the image below. Composed of two units that are combined on site and then connected back to the core plan by a front porch art gallery. Inter-generational living is the focus of this MOD. Well aged living is an elemental need for all family units and has an impact on the family life cycle. Caring for an aging parent is in need of new options. Home based care options will be explored and this is an example of one option. Legacy MOD is a self contained living unit. The basic needs of flexing to meet the challenges of aging are advanced with this MOD design. Home options for aging parent are celebrated. Core plan remains as a family entity still flexing and maturing to meet the family unit needs. Legacy creates an independence layered living environment with experiences of inter-generational living for an extended family unit.
Legacy MOD has multiple layered existence in the village of spaces. FDN for this MOD fits many of the possible family life cycle events. Legacy is a second home to snow birds that go to live in warmth for the winter and arrive to spend the summer with children and grand children. Legacy can also be the home of a aging family member that has suffered a health set back and needs a space to restore health near family support. Legacy can be the new home of an aging family member transitioning o a independent life that requires more hands on daily family support. Elemental need is to maintain independent and contributing life with reduction in the loneliness that can overwhelm during a transition to well aged life events. View a movie of the legacy MOD
The image below is the front entry of the Legacy MOD with the art gallery front porch connector back to the core plan. Gardens to maintain grand children to enjoy seeking out the passion of this phase of life cycle is the elemental source for the design of this MOD.
Image below is the Legacy Kitchen with dining area accented by views of the courtyard that is now being defined by the arrival of the Legacy MOD. The image below illustrates the natural light and ventilation space of the kitchen area with the sliding door access to the sitting porch. Roof covered siting porch outside the kitchen is a transition to the garden space of the courtyard that begins to transform and mature to surround the Legacy MOD.
Image below is a image of the courtyard space exterior of the Legacy MOD with an image of the kitchen and living area of the MOD. Peninsula like plan is surrounded by a space that quickly begins to evolve to provide a whole body experience space. Gardens are crafted and maintained with the loving care by the occupants providing a making contributor option. Maintaining a quality of life based on purpose driven goals is elemental to well aged living.
Legacy MOD has the ability to flex and become a full accessible space. Image below illustrates the kitchen in full accessible flex and the living space has the capability to meet the needs of any health related challenges. The core plan has been designed with the same flex ability to provide full accessible living throughout the home. View a movie of the legacy MOD.
Image below is the detail design page of the legacy as it flexes from an ambulatory access kitchen to a seated work station then on to full wheel chair access. Flexing back is also possible so if wheel chair access is only required for a short rehabilitation then once recovered the kitchen flexes back. Transforming through a family life cycle provides for the creation of a legacy wealth home which can be transitioned to the next generation. Loneliness is a real factor for well aged living. Integration of the aging family members into the everyday life of the family is an elemental concern for a Legacy wealth home. In the FDN of these pages on Legacy MOD the benefits of a inter-generational home are explored. A extended family connection is an elemental design principal that guides the maturing of the plan. Transform to seek out a betterment of the well aged human condition.
DIY Do It Yourself is a means by which the act of making and sweat equity with benefits can revitalize the plan. A section of this experience will be devoted to proven detailed designs of source plan based enhancements. The projects have varied skill levels and some have the benefit of a cross fit based workout as an additional benefit. OUT spaces are an extension of the IN space. The phases of plan transformation each have design features. DIY designs are explored and results of actual builds are provided to encourage and guide. The image below is an example sheet if the Deck squares design system. A modular system for outdoor space creation.
Step by step directions are provided to encourage active making in the transformation. Skill level are centered on the novice for each DIY project type. The source plan is the guide for how the projects are coordinated for the village of spaces.
OUT space enhancement are woven into source plan and each phase of the maturing process. Garden as a way of sustainable life support and the interaction with the IN spaces created by the other transforming means as communicated above. Interaction between the IN and OUT spaces are an important elemental source of a rich village of spaces. A directive is to blur the threshold between the site and interior space environment to add a whole body experience to each space. The image below is the walk around tour of the core plan. Options for the exterior transformation are considered for the core plan.
Detailed pages are provided for each phase of the transformation. Witness the evolving process provides an incentive to work towards the goal of the source plan vision. Image below is the detailed page of the Core plan. The building elements are indicated and out space features suggestions are provided for each phase. A combination of ISE and DIY feature enhancement transform the gardens and exterior envelope toward a whole body experience driven IN / Out space interaction. View a movie of the Core plan exterior core walk.
The image below is an examples of the phase 2 plan exterior with potential enhancement indicate. Rendered images provide a vision of how the garden and built structure are combined to create layers of human whole body experiences. Composite image pages as this communicate the potential for each design opportunity with hopes of inspiring active making in the creation of your dwelling. A home unique to your family and the site a dwelling is the result of the act of living and making as a family unit.
In the side by side comparison below. Image on the left is the core plan exterior of the sleep MOD and Side porch area of the Core plan. Image of the right is same exterior view with the Side porch MOD arrival and the ISE of the escape window seats to the Sleep MOD. Layers of whole body experience are added with these transformations. Revitalizing the existing core plan space with more connections to the maturing garden space. OUT and IN space interactions. Garden continue to mature and provide a source of DIY designed projects that are sweat equity with benefits as they also offer a cross fit work out. Source plans provides guidance for plant so that plants can be planted in location that when they are mature they accent the MODS and ISE as they arrive.
Before and after image below. Upper left is the Core plan image of the Side porch exterior. Lower image is same exterior view with the Side porch and Legacy MOD in place. Illustration of the transformation in process. A creator of a genesis home has the advantage of knowing dwelling evolution potential.
Kitchen as a core to the great flex gathering space. Food events are celebrated by a maturing process. Kitchen evolves from the core kitchen into a event space ready to transform for the next family event. Image below provides some insight in to how this area relates to the needs of the family unit. An inclusive multi functional making space. Young and old have a need to belong and contribute this kitchen has zone that develop over time to encourage all family members to enjoy the creative art of food sharing. Elemental need to nourish the body and the soul as source for kitchen design.
Image below is a side by side comparison of core plan kitchen on the left and phase 1 on the right. Kitchen zones create the possibility of all cooks to share in the food event making secession. Inter generational living each generation learning from the other in the act of elemental living. No problem with too many cooks in this kitchen.
The image below is an example of an OUT space enhancement with DIY potential. Courtyard created by the arrival of the Legacy MOD is matured into an outdoor living space. As an extension of the Legacy kitchen and living area a village of spaces matures. Legacy MOd creates a outdoor private space from the street or entry public side of the home. Well aged living space for parents that are home from a winter home ready to spend quality time with the family.
A view from the Mud room entrance illustrates a sunset meal ready for a family event. Inter-generational living supported by home design creates this experience a elemental moment. A humans scale space created by the MODs arrival of Side porch and Legacy. Outdoor space with a variety of experience layers into this courtyard space. OUT cooking and dining as supported by the Legacy MOD kitchen just beyond the sliding door. A fireplace sitting hearth can also be view from the in door dining area of the kitchen. Interaction between IN and OUT spaces are the whole body experience qualities of elemental based design. Simple pleasure recognized and celebrated. Active making of the family to create a unique space an expression of the family and the site they have chosen to make their own. A legacy wealth based dwelling transforming through the current family life cycle preparing for the next generation to enjoy.
Links below : Layers of OUT MODs learn more about the village of spaces.
Questions to consider for this Dialogue Post.
Submit your comments and blog post for consideration for posting. Active conversation about dwelling design for the modern family
Home based senior care and the reduction of loneliness. How can home design make an impact?
Core plan as genesis home transforms for the family life cycle needs. Planning for the future transform your home for options. What are your first steps?
What is a whole-body experience design philosophy mean for your family?
How can I keep my current home? Revitalize you home with MODs to create a genesis home?
Parents are downsizing to simplify life for retirement invest in a Legacy MOD for children’s home and a cabin. MODs can help make this transition a reality. Cabin as winter home and legacy MOD can be summer home. Extend family living becomes a home care option for well-aged living. What is your strategy for senior home care?
What is your definition for a joy based life?